
Traditional way To Solve Headache

aloe vera
Headache as a symptom of a fundamental, is the most common complaints of illness experienced by someone. This disease can attack people indiscriminately, anywhere and anytime. Surely if the headache comes with constantly in everyday life, will greatly interfere with the activity and creativity.
Headache is a disease caused due to a contraction in the muscles of the head from the neck, nape, which then spread to the forehead. Generally,people feel as if no objects that weigh heavy on the head that eventually the pain is often centered on both eyes.

Mental stress can cause headaches are most
common. Chronic headaches are usually due to tension or muscle contraction that can be caused by emotional stress, fatigue, menstruation, or environmental stimulation such as loud noise, crowds, or bright light. Approximately 90% of headaches are due to disruption of vascular (blood vessel) and stress in a person. Headaches caused by vascular disorders are divided into two categories, namely migrein and clusters. The second type of headache is a headache cases that most often affects the wider community.

Migrein is a type of headache caused by the widening of blood vessels in the brain bottom. Migrein headaches suffered by many women. The disease usually appears first at the age of 10-30 years. Nevertheless, in some cases found migrein emerging after the menopause. Migrein which is a severe headache and can result in weakened physical condition, usually accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, and disturbances in vision, namely the onset of double vision. The pain generally arises only at one side of the head, which is at the head of the left or the right side.
Migrein headache migrein divided into classic, migrein equivalent, and migrein abdomen. Migrein migrein classic or unusual, which is preceded by migrein disruption of brain function and neurological symptoms that include feeling dizzy, confused, dizzy, talk is not clear, the incidence of visual impairment, and others. Migrein equivalent, ie disruption of brain function that occur without a headache followed.

Unlike the traditional or classic migrein that attack
parts of the head. Abdominal or stomach Migrein
migrein, namely migrein characterized by severe
abdominal pain repeatedly, causing the patient to be pale, loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting. Migrein of this type is often suffered by children.
In addition to the above, the onset can be triggered by a disturbance migrein other diseases, such as hypertension, toothache, colds, flu, brain tumors, and others. Types of disease associated with blood vessels and muscles in the head. So if you suffer from any of the diseases above, you will be prone to headaches. Can be concluded that the reaction is actually a headache all aspects of an irregular body functions.

In addition to the foregoing, the cause of the migrein also influenced by environmental factors consisting of: an internal factor, ie the events that occur at certain times such as the tensions that occur before menopause or menstruation. External factors, namely the situation in daily life, including the sensory stimulation that surrounds the human being at all times such as: anxiety, stress and depression, disturbances in vision such as double vision, the influence of food, premenstrual tension, abnormalities in the vertebrae, changes weather, the blinding light, a loud voice or noise, odors that sting, inflammation, and others.
Migrein is a disease that makes people suffer and
sometimes strike at any time when the body is not prepared for it. Even more distressing, migrein not only affects adults but children are also exposed to attacks migrein although most patients were adults.
Migrein experienced by the children, most of the types of abdominal and migrein migrein migrein ordinary or classical.
Migrein complaints are usually perceived among
which: migrein that just feels the right side of the
head without any other complaint; migrein which
accompanied impaired vision; migrein that accompanied the weak half-side of the body; migrein on the back of the head followed by dizziness, pain in swallowing, ear buzzing, and speech disturbances, and muscle weakness accompanied migrein temporary eye. Migrein not merely a physical problem, but has a psychological impact on the lives of sufferers. For that would need to be aware of symptoms that start arising migrein.

In order to avoid the attack of headache, should avoid foods that can lead to headaches such as: foods containing preservatives / MSG / preserved, foods that contain amines, nuts, caffeine, alcohol, red wine, asparagus, nitrite, almond fruit, ice cream, chocolate, and so forth.
Headache sufferers should consume foods that
contain adequate and balanced nutrition and a varied menu. Consumption of fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, fresh fish, fish oil, and olive oil. Also avoid the stress and adequate rest.

The traditional way that can be used to solve the headache that is:

1. 60 grams of aloe vera leaves peeled ginger + + 10 grams of brown sugar to taste boiled with 400 cc of water to the remaining 200 cc, filtered water,
drunk warm. Do it regularly 2 times a day.

2. 25 grams + 15 grams of ginger kencur boiled with 500 cc of water to the remaining 200 cc, filtered water, drunk warm. Do it regularly 2 times a day. 2 cloves cinnamon + 2 g + 2 + 3 grams of nutmeg nutmeg grains, soft mashed up into a powder, brewed with 200 cc of hot water, filtered water, drunk warm. Do it regularly 2 times a day.

3.Bangle 25 grams of fresh, peeled, grated,squeezed, filtered water, drink. The waste was rubbed on the neck, forehead, and temples. Do it
regularly 2 times a day.

- Note: You can use either the traditional way at the top. In use the pot to boiling pot enamel or soil.


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