
Traditional way To Solve Headache

aloe vera
Headache as a symptom of a fundamental, is the most common complaints of illness experienced by someone. This disease can attack people indiscriminately, anywhere and anytime. Surely if the headache comes with constantly in everyday life, will greatly interfere with the activity and creativity.
Headache is a disease caused due to a contraction in the muscles of the head from the neck, nape, which then spread to the forehead. Generally,people feel as if no objects that weigh heavy on the head that eventually the pain is often centered on both eyes.

Mental stress can cause headaches are most
common. Chronic headaches are usually due to tension or muscle contraction that can be caused by emotional stress, fatigue, menstruation, or environmental stimulation such as loud noise, crowds, or bright light. Approximately 90% of headaches are due to disruption of vascular (blood vessel) and stress in a person. Headaches caused by vascular disorders are divided into two categories, namely migrein and clusters. The second type of headache is a headache cases that most often affects the wider community.

Migrein is a type of headache caused by the widening of blood vessels in the brain bottom. Migrein headaches suffered by many women. The disease usually appears first at the age of 10-30 years. Nevertheless, in some cases found migrein emerging after the menopause. Migrein which is a severe headache and can result in weakened physical condition, usually accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, and disturbances in vision, namely the onset of double vision. The pain generally arises only at one side of the head, which is at the head of the left or the right side.
Migrein headache migrein divided into classic, migrein equivalent, and migrein abdomen. Migrein migrein classic or unusual, which is preceded by migrein disruption of brain function and neurological symptoms that include feeling dizzy, confused, dizzy, talk is not clear, the incidence of visual impairment, and others. Migrein equivalent, ie disruption of brain function that occur without a headache followed.

Unlike the traditional or classic migrein that attack
parts of the head. Abdominal or stomach Migrein
migrein, namely migrein characterized by severe
abdominal pain repeatedly, causing the patient to be pale, loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting. Migrein of this type is often suffered by children.
In addition to the above, the onset can be triggered by a disturbance migrein other diseases, such as hypertension, toothache, colds, flu, brain tumors, and others. Types of disease associated with blood vessels and muscles in the head. So if you suffer from any of the diseases above, you will be prone to headaches. Can be concluded that the reaction is actually a headache all aspects of an irregular body functions.

In addition to the foregoing, the cause of the migrein also influenced by environmental factors consisting of: an internal factor, ie the events that occur at certain times such as the tensions that occur before menopause or menstruation. External factors, namely the situation in daily life, including the sensory stimulation that surrounds the human being at all times such as: anxiety, stress and depression, disturbances in vision such as double vision, the influence of food, premenstrual tension, abnormalities in the vertebrae, changes weather, the blinding light, a loud voice or noise, odors that sting, inflammation, and others.
Migrein is a disease that makes people suffer and
sometimes strike at any time when the body is not prepared for it. Even more distressing, migrein not only affects adults but children are also exposed to attacks migrein although most patients were adults.
Migrein experienced by the children, most of the types of abdominal and migrein migrein migrein ordinary or classical.
Migrein complaints are usually perceived among
which: migrein that just feels the right side of the
head without any other complaint; migrein which
accompanied impaired vision; migrein that accompanied the weak half-side of the body; migrein on the back of the head followed by dizziness, pain in swallowing, ear buzzing, and speech disturbances, and muscle weakness accompanied migrein temporary eye. Migrein not merely a physical problem, but has a psychological impact on the lives of sufferers. For that would need to be aware of symptoms that start arising migrein.

In order to avoid the attack of headache, should avoid foods that can lead to headaches such as: foods containing preservatives / MSG / preserved, foods that contain amines, nuts, caffeine, alcohol, red wine, asparagus, nitrite, almond fruit, ice cream, chocolate, and so forth.
Headache sufferers should consume foods that
contain adequate and balanced nutrition and a varied menu. Consumption of fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, fresh fish, fish oil, and olive oil. Also avoid the stress and adequate rest.

The traditional way that can be used to solve the headache that is:

1. 60 grams of aloe vera leaves peeled ginger + + 10 grams of brown sugar to taste boiled with 400 cc of water to the remaining 200 cc, filtered water,
drunk warm. Do it regularly 2 times a day.

2. 25 grams + 15 grams of ginger kencur boiled with 500 cc of water to the remaining 200 cc, filtered water, drunk warm. Do it regularly 2 times a day. 2 cloves cinnamon + 2 g + 2 + 3 grams of nutmeg nutmeg grains, soft mashed up into a powder, brewed with 200 cc of hot water, filtered water, drunk warm. Do it regularly 2 times a day.

3.Bangle 25 grams of fresh, peeled, grated,squeezed, filtered water, drink. The waste was rubbed on the neck, forehead, and temples. Do it
regularly 2 times a day.

- Note: You can use either the traditional way at the top. In use the pot to boiling pot enamel or soil.

How To Preventing and Treating High Cholesterol Naturally

Cholesterol is a fatty substance such as a soft creamy wax that is produced by the body especially the liver. Cholesterol levels in blood and tissues of the body is required as a component of cell structure, hormones and vitamins to make reproductive hormones and sexual function, hormone adrenaline is needed in the metabolic process, wrapping the nerve tissue (myelin) , coat the cell membranes, vitamin D, and also very required for the development of brain cells in children that affect the level of intelligence.

However, the majority of cholesterol back into the liver to be converted into bile acids and bile salts. In the end most of the cholesterol will be excreted through faeces / stool. Cholesterol from the body to get additional income sources that come from animal foods such as organ meats, animal fat, chicken skin, egg yolk, brains, meat, seafood, milk, dairy products, and so forth.
Any amount of fat and carbohydrates that are not
immediately used is stored in tissues outside the liver such as blood vessels, muscles, and fat tissue under the skin role in the form of triglycerides. So
triglycerides are the main fat in the body that is closely associated with cholesterol, which both have a relationship that can not be separated in the process of metabolism. Triglycerides are formed by the body in the heart of glycerol and fat derived from food or from eating excess calories due to the surplus.
Increased triglyceride levels induced by consumption of food containing carbohydrates and high in saturated fats such as meat, butter, palm oil, coconut oil, cheese, milk, alcohol, and so on are exaggerated.

Excess triglycerides will be stockpiled in the tissue
under the skin as an energy reserve. The process of digestion of fat from foods other than produce also produces triglycerides and cholesterol- free fat. All compounds of this fat will be absorbed by the body through the intestines into the blood. The presence of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood is greatly needed by the body. If the consumption of foods containing saturated fats then lead to excessive levels of cholesterol and triglycerides are also exaggerated. This would pose a serious threat and problem, particularly in vascular disease called atherosclerosis. This disease can lead to coronary heart disease and stroke, in which the type of vascular disease is the number one cause of death in the world.

Cholesterol that sticks to the inner surface of blood
vessel walls to harden the longer it will form a plaque that will eventually clog the arteries of the heart so that effect coronary heart disease. If a blockage occurs in the blood vessels in the brain and lead to rupture of blood vessels, it can result in stroke.

There are two types of cholesterol that should be
known that LDL (Low-density lipoprotein) and HDL
(High-density lipoprotein). LDL is called bad cholesterol because she is easily attached to the walls of blood vessels and cause a buildup of fat that triggers atherosclerosis (hardening and blockage of blood vessels). HDL is called good cholesterol because it has antiaterogenik properties (preventing atherosclerosis) which transports cholesterol from the blood vessels or other tissues to the liver to be removed as bile acids.
When this balance is interrupted, and LDL levels tend to increase HDL levels tend to be lower so that atherosclerosis is more apt to occur. Said to be of high blood cholesterol high levels.
when total cholesterol levels> 240 mg / dl. High blood triglyceride levels when> 200 mg / dl. High LDL cholesterol levels when> 160 mg / dl. HDL cholesterol levels low when <40 mg / dl.
High levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the
blood could not be separated from the modern
lifestyle with the wrong diet and nutrition is not
balanced. For the arrangement of food consumption should be considered properly.

Tips to prevent high cholesterol and triglycerides

- Regulate a healthy and balanced diet, for example, with consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits that contain lots of fiber, soy beans and
their processed products (tempeh), cereals as a
source of fiber, limiting the consumption of sugary
foods and beverages, limit consumption of high
cholesterol foods such as fried -fried food,processed food products, and others.

- Consumption of foods that contain lots of vitamins, especially vitamin C, E, and beta-

- Control and maintain weight loss should not be
exaggerated because people with excess weight
have a high risk of heart disease and tend to raise
cholesterol levels. Generally, people with more
body weight have a high blood triglyceride levels
because triglycerides are stored in the lot behind
the skin folds.

- Do exercise regularly and measured according to
the condition of the body.

- Stop smoking, coffee consumption, and beverages that contain alcohol.
- Avoid stress.
- And others.

For people with high cholesterol should avoid the
following foods: foods high in fat, organ meats, beef brain, beef, egg yolks, chicken liver, beef liver, shrimp, squid / cuttlefish, crab, chocolate, butter, margarine, cheese, coconut oil , palm oil, and others. While the recommended foods consumed are: broccoli, carrots, squash, sweet star fruit, starfruit, apple, grapes, papaya, bananas, oranges, pineapple, tomatoes, dried white fungus, black mushroom, hioko mushrooms, seaweed, oil fish, fresh fish, tempeh, tofu, bean curd, and others.

Natural recipes that can be used to treat high cholesterol and triglyceride levels, namely:

- 7-10 fresh leaves boiled with 400 cc of water to
the remaining 200 cc, filtered water, drunk warm.

- Leaves 30 grams + 30 grams of fresh ceremai guava leaf / fresh guava braised with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, filtered water,drunk warm.

- 60 grams of fresh ground peanut shells boiled with 400 cc of water to the remaining 200 cc,filtered water, drunk warm. 30 grams of fresh meeting buffoonery + 25 + 25 grams of fresh turmeric god grams of fresh leaves boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, filtered water, drunk warm.

- 1-2 of noni / pace mature juiced + honey to taste,

- 60 + grams of pineapple starfruit juiced to taste sweet, drunk.

Natural Treatment to Reduce High Cholesterol Quickly

How long does it take to decrease cholesterol? That is a issue that seems to problem almost anyone who is impacted with fantastic cholestrerol stages levels. If you're having difficulties froM fantastic cholestrerol stages levels, reducing your cholestrerol stages stage can never quit putting things off enough; whether you're looking for a
natural way to decrease cholestrerol stages or via some other alternative treatments.

Heart scenario is This nation's wide range one creature and probably, the wide range one creature in the industrialized world. The understanding being perpetuated that cholestrerol stages is never fantastic before the age 40 is exactly that - a notion.
Don't believe a phrase of it.
The details need quick techniques to reducing your
cholesterol quickly - usually looking for a natural
and substitute medical care for fantastic cholestrerol stages levels.
But first ... for some best aspect about it.Cholestrerol stages ... contrary to well-known understanding ... is not the cause of middle relevant diseases.
The inflammation of bloodstream does that. Center attacks occur in people with regular cholestrerol stages. That's right. There's a lot of falsehoods being passed around that cholestrerol stages is bad - that cholestrerol stages is the cause of middle relevant diseases. That's so far from the truth. In fact, your individual requirements cholestrerol stages to stay better. Your body uses cholestrerol stages to produce androgenic hormone or testosterone, complement D and bile substances to procedure fat. And the truth of the matter is - your requirements only a little bit of cholesterol in the program to fulfill these needs.

So why should you worry about reducing your cholesterol stages and maintaining it usually at less than 200mg./dl.? Because unable in doing so can lead to the inflammation of your bloodstream ... and that is when heart actions like cerebral vascular accidents will occur. It's only when you have too much cholestrerol stages in your bloodstream (referred to as hypercholesterolemia) that concerns start to happen.
And this is where you need to pay attention. Because a fantastic cholestrerol stages levels stage ... let's say ... south of 250, can and will cause to concerns such as coronary heart.

Atherosclerosis prevents bloodstream such as your coronary arteries (arteries that take care of the heart) and if left unchecked longer, will cause to middle relevant diseases like angina and cerebral vascular accidents.
This is why you need to take down cholestrerol stages level and why it's so important to keep those stages in check. Statins such as Zocor and Lipitor may be powerful, cholesterol-lowering therapy and allows to some stage, but ... whether you believe it or not ... these can cause more harm (liver harming is a common aspect effect) than fantastic to your program in the long run. You don't need these ill-effects arriving into your way of life just as you're about to rest and enjoy
your retirement living.

Don't get me wrong ... I'm all for getting prescriptions drugs under healthcare provider's buys if no other alternatives are made available. I'm sure you'll recognize with that.
But I'm about to show you 5 guidelines you can go about lowering your dangerous cholestrerol stages without drugs right now - and fast!

Here's how to Reduce high cholestrerol Naturally:

Consume more "healthy" fats

You must be acquainted with of monounsaturated individual extra fat.
Usually discovered in some types of nut items like nut items and walnuts, important essential olive oil, canola organic and avocados. These "healthy" individual extra fat reduced "bad" cholestrerol stages (LDLs - Low- Density Lipoproteins) but simultaneously, help maintain the "good" cholestrerol stages (HDLs - High-Density
Your doctor can verify the aspect that consuming monounsaturated fat instead of individual extra fat can lower your cholestrerol stages quite considerably. You would have probably come across health and fitness assistance about lowering cholestrerol stages such as, "Replace whole use items with skim use items," "Cut down on that improved sugar," or "Dump butter for marg.." Most of that information is actual except for putting butter for marg..
Margarine increases the fantastic high cholestrerol and even worse, reduces the fantastic cholestrerol stages - almost tripling the possibility of a middle relevant diseases. Don't believe the TV ads and stay away from margarine. Dr. Allan Spreen contacting marg., "plastic
butter." And he has a aspect. Why? Because being
hydrogenated, marg. is actually one substance away from actually being unpleasant - no kidding! To put it mildly, you're actually about one substance away from eating Tupperware. You're more than welcome to carry out a simple assess to validate this. All you have to do is keep a program of butter and a program of margarine out for a while and notice. It will only be a matter of your power and power when you see goes traveling your container of butter - avoiding the margarine altogether. If it's not fantastic enough for goes, you know you're in trouble!

Lower your consumption of "bad" fat
Lowering cholestrerol stages without therapy begins with this very important stage - usually control your consumption of saturated fat. Unhealthy fat is said to stimulate your liver to produce LDLs - or fantastic cholestrerol stages that would simply prevent up your bloodstream. According to Dr William Castelli, co-author of Excellent Fat, Bad Fat, he recommended that a sensible diet strategy to help lower
cholesterol would take into consideration the amount of "bad" fat consumed per day - usually being 20 grams a day. And that's just for those who are healthy.

A sensible choice would be to usually analyze your food labels when buying to get a sensation of how much fat h will be going into your program at any given day. Make this a habit because a simple
precautionary assess like this can mean a lot to your long-term health and fitness.
Also, take notice of trans-fatty substances. The name probably already gives it away - it is another bad fat.
Trans-fatty substances are substance ready and will not only improve your finish cholestrerol stages but can also lower your HDLs. These substances are usually discovered in deep-fried foods, treats, shortenings and packaged pastries. They're not usually indicated on food manufacturers so be extra suggested about your food choices.

Get a program test
You will want to get a program assess if you find out yourself gaining body weight, losing hair, suffering from depressive disorder, feeling more tired than regular, more sensitive to cold than usual and fast stiffening of your outlets. These could be symptoms and symptoms of an underactive hypothyroid - medically termed as hypothyroid concerns. Determining this condition
with a program assess could nip the problem in the bud and save you from a improving cholestrerol stages stage.
While you're at it, ask your doctor to analyze your
homocysteine stage as well. Newest reviews are
pointing towards homocysteine as a better predictor of heart actions. And there is a connection between hypothyroid concerns, homocysteine and heart disease. If you have an underactive hypothyroid, this prevents the consumption of B organic natural vitamins - causing homocysteine stages to catch up. The result is a 300 percent possibility of cerebral vascular accidents.
A fantastic homocysteine stage is under 8. Anything above that and your doctor should be able to suggest you some items. These items would usually center around organic natural vitamins B2, B6, B12 and complement b vitamin b folic acidity.

Can I have my egg back?
Yes, you definitely can. According to the British
Nutrition Foundation's Nourishment Programs, dietary cholesterol in egg "has no technically significant impact"
on middle relevant diseases. In fact, egg are such a rich source of healthy value that avoiding them could cause more damage than fantastic to your health and fitness.
I described homocysteine. Well, according to a study from Stanford Healthcare School, choline may be effective in managing homocysteine. And where is choline found? You believed it. Egg. In fact the best resource of choline is egg yolks. But if you're someone with elevated cholestrerol stages or middle relevant diseases, you should check with your doctor about the wide range of egg you can eat every week. Such circumstances are usually limited to two egg every week.

Stop cigarette using tobacco and get moving!
Those are two obvious actions to take to keep your body in fantastic scenario. If you're overweight, you can be sure that your HDL areas will be low. Shed the body weight and notice your HDLs improve. It's quite difficult to improve HDLs by diet plans alone. You will need the combination of regular exercising and watching what you eat. Training allows in reducing your triglycerides (a program fat relevant to middle disease) as well. If you are serious about reducing your high cholesterol, pay attention to triglycerides.
Because apart from stifling up your coronary bloodstream, high triglycerides can cause to kidney scenario and pancreatitis.
There is not much to be said about cigarette using tobacco that has not been said already. It's just bad. Smoking depresses HDLs considerably. It is a cause of heart and blood-vessel scenario and usually causes irreversible harm to your overall health and fitness. There are no two methods about it. Smoking reduces.

Here is a complicated guidelines to notice your cholesterol levels and as always, search for assistance from with your doctor.

Keep it less than 130mg./dl. Anything above 160mg./dl. is fantastic.
The higher the better. 35mg./dl. or less increases the risk of heart-disease.
Keep it less than 150mg./dl. Anything above 200mg./dl. is fantastic.
Total cholesterol
This is the combined assess of all program cholesterols.
Keep this less than 200mg./dl. Anything above 240mg./dl. is fantastic.

Lemon Juice for Curing Headaches

lemon juice with tea
Lemon Juice for Curing Headaches

When the headache attack was so sick that you are no longer able to resume daily activities. Immediately treat medically or use traditional drugs which are calculated easily, cheaply and quickly deal with the headache. Here is a traditional medicine headache
remedy that you can use:

These headaches can occur anytime and anywhere without knowing whether you're busy or on vacation. The causes of headache among which are anxiety, light glare, dehydration, stress, sleep patterns and irregular eating, taking a medicine that does not comply with the conditions of the body, which is too exhausting physical activity and symptoms such as headaches hormonal changes during menstruation in women .
Traditional headache medications you can try with lemon juice because the juice will give you lemon Relax and refreshing taste that is useful to cure headaches,aromatherapy with a paste of orange peel on the forehead or brow, doing deep breathing and fresh air, drinking warm water if your headaches due
to dehydration.
In addition to taking traditional medicines natural migraine and the back can also be cured by means of a light massage. Massage done to reduce the stress and strain pat on the head. Places that should be massaged around the shoulders, neck, forehead and
hands. Massage in a few minutes will relieve your headache pain. You also have to keep eating and resting as it can cause headache triggers.

Alternativ Solutions for Curing Headache

Alternativ Solutions For curing Headache

There are natural remedies that perform without attaining for the old traditional pill container.Treatment for complications is usually focused on reducing the suffering, we’ve all had them and when we do get a frustration, we will do almost anything to get rid of it. However, even more important then reducing the suffering is to consider the main causes of some complications. By finding the cause then reoccurrence of the frustration can be prevented or can help decrease the strength.

Keep a frustration journal.
By keeping a journal, you will be able to notice styles that seem to be responsible for your frustration. Also, rate them on a zero-to-three scale of intensity: no frustration, gentle frustration, average to serve complications to incapacitating complications. Start to look at what meals you are consuming.
Many meals can induce frustration. To help discover out which meals carry on your complications, create notices about what you eat and drink each day.

A frustration usually occurs three to 12 time after consuming a induce meals, so look returning as far as 24 time before the frustration took place to see what might have caused it.
Women should begin monitoring their monthly times, as well as their use of hormone-replacement remedies or oral birth control methods as a possible cause of complications. You can then show this journal or schedule to your doctor.
Holistic health professionals often ask one easy question of frustration sufferers that is neglected by popular physicians. Can you give up dairy items food in your diet?

Some people respond negatively to use products, butter, dairy products and cream. Giving up dairy items might fix your headaches without any strong medicines. In addition, you can avoid meals containing substances like nitrites and sulfites, which enlarge capillary vessels in the brain, increasing system circulation and resulting in suffering. Some of the induce meals are prepared meat items, red wine, caffeinated drinks and sometime unfortunately chocolate.
Some complications may be associated with nausea or queasiness,
which can cause you to experience even worse. By first looking after the nausea or queasiness, the suffering of the frustration may be easier to cure, for nausea or queasiness many individual discovered that drinking apple juice, apricot nectar has helped relieve nausea or queasiness. My suggestions is Ginger-used for hundreds of years in Japan to cure nausea or queasiness, queasiness, complications and many other aliments. Ginger plant is a proven anti-nausea solution that suits or exceeds medication such as Dramamine. Herbal healthcare specialists usually recommend 2 to 4 h of ginger a day for headaches. You can also create ginger tea by being applied a couple pieces of fresh cinnamon in a cup of water for about 15 moments.
Try some Acupressure, like its historical China comparative traditional traditional chinese medicine, acupressure, encourages treatment throughout the body. Acupressure depends on convenience to do the searching. For common suffering of complications, here is a two-handed treatment:

1. With one side, media the superficial indention in the returning of the go at the base of the mind.
2. At the same time, with the usb and index finger of the other side, media strongly into the upper empty of the eye plug, right where they straddle the link of the nasal area and meet the “t” of the brow link. Press softy at first, then more strongly and keep. Provide for three to five moments (for an average headache). Do it again as needed throughout the day.
At many pharmacies, there are little artists that are used on the side that simulate the China medical acupressure points. These perform well to reduce both regular and complications. Homeopathy has been used very efficiently to reduce serious complications and headaches.
According to rub counselors, if your go is pounding? Use your convenience to push on the very top of your mind. Using this technique will help to reduce pressure and suffering associated with a stress frustration.
Press the area for 30 seconds, three times in a row, while breathing greatly.Wearing a magnetic pendant really works for complications I would of never believed it if I had not tried it myself. You will discover them at your nutrition store.
This drug-free frustration solution goes returning to historical Portugal, where people were known to have forced pepper mint results in to their wats to convenience frustration suffering. Scientists in Malaysia discovered that pepper mint oil was as effective as acetaminophen, the suffering crusher in Tylenol and Datril, in reducing frustration suffering. Today to get a similar effect, you can easy rub an assortment of 10% peppermint-oil in common alcohol. Simple rub the solution into the temple and wats it is said that you will experience relief within 15 moments.

Rosemary, rose, and chamomile tea are other essential natural that may also help convenience your complications. For quick relaxation, carefully rub one fall of oil on the position where it affects the most. The substance of the plant is very focused, so even though it seems like a little bit, one fall should be enough. While certain scents, which range from common cooking scents to fragrance, can carry about headaches, others may help reduce them, according to latest research. Many headaches sufferers report that consuming certain meals help reduce the length and harshness of their complications, the fragrances may have something to do with it. In majority of folks, headaches sufferers who had an interest in the smell of natural celery had less severe frustration suffering after breathing in natural apple smell. One concept is the familiar smell cut returning enjoyable reminiscences from child years, comfortable them, and improved their feelings or, at the very least, diverted them from the suffering. Pay attention to which fragrances induce feelings of relaxation for you-and be sure to keep those meals handy.
You can also redirect system circulation from your go to your feet. Place an ice pack under the returning of your throat and a hot-water container on top of you. Chilling the system circulation through your throat while heating you can sometimes stop the pain-causing dilation that is happening in your go. Positioning something heated in your hands or something very cold, like ice, may also activate system circulation. An herbal foot bath can calm your frustration. Mix one tsp. of powdered ingredients mustard or ginger with very trouble in a plastic container big enough for both feet. Placed you into the water. Decorate a wide hand small towel across the top to keep in the heat. Trim returning in a comfortable chair, close your eyes, relax, and relax for about 15 moments.
By the time the water has chilled down, your frustration may be completely overlooked. If you suffer form frequent complications, you might want to visit your dental professional or your natural experts they can analyze your mouth for corroded or worn-down teeth that may not even hurt but are the cause of your frustration suffering.Headaches can be a sign of many different things,always seek advice from your doctor for any wellness health care concerns you may have.

This details is not intended to substitute the wellness care or advice of a doctor. This details is for informative purpose only.

What is Herbal Medicine Good For ?

What is herbal medicine good for?
Herbal medicine is used to treat many conditions,such as asthma, eczema, premenstrual syndrome,rheumatoid arthritis, migraine, menopausal symptoms,chronic fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, and cancer.

among others. Herbal supplements are best taken under the guidance of a trained health care provider.
For example, one study found that 90% of arthritic patients use alternative therapies, such as herbal medicine.Be sure to consult with your doctor or pharmacist before taking any herbs. Some common herbs and their uses are discussed below.
Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) has been used in traditional medicine to treat circulatory disorders and enhance memory.
Although not all studies agree, ginkgo ma be especially effective in treating dementia (including Alzheimer's disease) and intermittent claudication (poor circulation in the legs). It also shows promise for enhancing memory in older adults. Laboratory studies have shown that ginkgo improves blood circulation by dilating blood vessels and reducing the stickiness of blood platelets. By the same token, this means ginkgo may also increase the effect of some blood thinning medications,including aspirin. People taking blood thinning medications should ask their doctor before using ginkgo.

Caution should also be taken with people with a history of seizures and people with fertility issues; speak with your physician.
Kava kava (Piper methysticum) is said to elevate mood, enhance well being and contentment, and produce a feeling of relaxation. Several studies have found that kava may be useful in the treatment of anxiety, insomnia, and related nervous disorders.

However, there is serious concern that kava may cause liver damage. It's not clear whether the kava itself caused liver damage in a few people,or whether it was taking kava in combination with other drugs or herbs. It's also not clear whether
kava is dangerous at previously recommended
doses, or only at higher doses. Some countries have taken kava off the market. It remains available in the United States, but the Food and Drug ,Administration (FDA) issued a consumer advisory in March of 2002 regarding the "rare" but potential risk of liver failure associated with kava containing products.
Saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) is used by more than 2 million men in the United States for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH),a non cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland. A number of studies suggest that the herb is effective for treating symptoms, including frequent urination, having trouble starting or maintaining urination, and needing to urinate during the night. But a well-conducted study published in the February 9, 2006 edition of the New England Journal of Medicine found that saw palmetto was no better than placebo in relieving the signs and symptoms of BPH.

St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) is well known for its antidepressant effects. In general,most studies have shown that St. John's wort may
be an effective treatment for mild to moderate depression, and has fewer side effects than most other prescription antidepressants. But the herb interacts with a wide variety of medications,including birth control pills, and can potentially cause unwanted side effects, so it is important to take it only under the guidance of a health care provider. Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) is a popular alternative to commonly prescribed medications for sleep problems because it is considered to be both safe and gentle. Some studies bear this out, although not all have found valerian to be effective.

Unlike many prescription sleeping pills, valerian may have fewer side effects, such as morning drowsiness. However, Valerian does interact with some medications, particularly psychiatric medications, so you should speak to your doctor to see if Valerian is right for you.

Echinacea preparations (from Echinacea purpurea and other Echinacea species) may improve the body's natural immunity. Echinacea is one of the most commonly used herbal products, but studies
are mixed as to whether it can help prevent or treat colds. A review of 14 clinical studies examining the effect of echinacea on the incidence and duration of the common cold found that echinacea supplements decreased the odds of getting a cold by 58%. It also shortened the duration of a cold by 1.4 days.
Echinacea can interact with certain medications and may not be right for people with certain conditions, for example people with autoimmune disorders or certain allergies. Speak with your physician.

Buying standardized herbal supplements helps ensure you will get the right dose and the effects similar to human clinical trials. Ask your doctor or pharmacist about which herbal supplements are best for your health concerns.

Tips Jamu : How to Make Jamu

How To Make Jamu - The use of treatments vegetation or better known as the herb or organic herbs in fact has identified by our group. Although now many organic herbs are created and loaded in a contemporary way. But the customized of herbs or organic eat generally is still found in the group of Indonesia, especially in the areas.There have been many confirmed performance of organic herbs and organic. While more affordable, organic herbs also have side effects are very little. However, there are still many people who question the performance of our organic. Provided, the power of treatments herbs and herbs sedahsyat no chemistry.

Treatment with organic herbs and flower take a while.There are several factors that cause why organic herbs and organic herbs are not working successfully. Display of the incorrect, time to take incorrect, incorrect amount, and the. stress of the individual are the factors that cause the organic herbs are not effective. Prof. H.M. Hembing Wijayakusuma in his book "Complete Natural Items perfected Disease" represents the things that must be regarded in getting the organic herbs as follows:

1. cooking meals water (boiled about 2 hours).

2. Little fire: with a long boiling hot hot time is also used for herb

3. Fresh simplicia treatments vegetation (herbal) with water until clean.

4. Immediate use of clean organic herbs that have been clean for treatments. If the content is large or large, preferably cut into sleek items so that when boiling hot hot the substances involved therein easily get out and rest in boiling hot hot water. For the organic herbs are stored, dry the first after being washed for durability and prevent spoilage by infection and harmful bacteria. Dry matter (simplicia) are also easier to be crushed powder substances (powder). Strike blow drying can be immediately in the sun or use protection equipment. Can also be oxygen rich, with regards to the size or water content.

5. Festered immediate elements that have been used as powder (powder) with hot or boiling hot hot water. For challenging elements and complicated to be created, usually crushed and boiled first for about 10 moments before
adding other substances.

6. Use water that is as well as contain no harmful
chemicals to water. Make sure that adequate statistics so that all substances have treatments submerged approximately 3 cm.

7. Healing substances to water, use a program made from floor pot (ceramic), enameled pan or pot shard. Do not use metal containers, such as metal, metal, and brass. Metal containing metal trichloride and potassium ferrycianide. These substances are leading to down payment to the water for situation. During boiling hot hot, not too
often open the lid of the program so that important oil content not easily losing.

8. Use of fire using the type of boiled herbs.
--Small Fire: Use to water the organic herbs are effective as a tonic, like ginseng and fresh mushrooms ling zhi that active content is absorbed into the all solutions and herbs that contain poisons, such as remaining hair god for the content of poisons is decreased.
--Big fire: Use to water the organic herbs are effective or simplicia diaforetik (sweat) and contains many essential organic, such as great, clove and nutmeg. After boiling, put substances and prepare momentarily. In this way, content atsirinya not much is losing due to excessive water loss process.

9. If no other provide, boiling hot hot cooking meals water is considered accomplished when the remaining 50 percent of the amount of water initially, for example 800 cc to 400 cc. If the content is boiled mostly challenging elements, such
as seeds products products or occurs left third of the cooking meals water, for example 600 cc to 200 cc.

10. If it contains the dry substances, usually amount (dose) half of the quality of clean content. For example, use a information of clean outcomes in of use 90 h and 15 grams
when dry.

11. Make sure the quality of treatments vegetation in accordance with the recommended. Usually, a prescribed drug plants divided for 2 times beverages a day. The remaining pulp can be boiled first boiled again for a eat in the afternoon or night.

12. Consume decoction of treatments flower substances in warm and thereafter use large outfits or bed linen. However, for certain types of organic herbs, such as areca seed decoction should be absorbed freezing to avoid causing abdomen kotraksi with feeling sick, a feeling of sickness, and abdominal pain.

13. Usually, organic decoction absorbed before a food to be easily absorbed. However, for the treatments flower that can stimulate the belly, eat after eating. Drinking potions is effective as an company (tonic) in the morning with an unfilled belly. For a healthy herb as a sedative, for example, to insomnia, drinking before bed.

14. Execute frequent treatments. To remember, herbal treatment needs determination because it does not directly feel the benefits, but are konstruktirf (fix / build). Outcomes of material treatment did seem fast, but it is destructive. Because of its characteristics, the flower is not
recommended as main treatments of infectious
diseases that are serious , such as dengue heated,
vomiting, and others who should get immediate
medical help. Healing vegetation are recommended for health maintenance and treatments of illnesses that are chronic (chronic).

15. Herbs can be along with chemical drugs, especially for serious illnesses are complicated to cure, such as most cancers in order to acquire a more effective treatments outcomes. Guidelines of getting herbal medicine for about 2 time after program of chemical drug