How To Preventing and Treating High Cholesterol Naturally
Cholesterol is a fatty substance such as a soft creamy wax that is produced by the body especially the liver. Cholesterol levels in blood and tissues of the body is required as a component of cell structure, hormones and vitamins to make reproductive hormones and sexual function, hormone adrenaline is needed in the metabolic process, wrapping the nerve tissue (myelin) , coat the cell membranes, vitamin D, and also very required for the development of brain cells in children that affect the level of intelligence.
However, the majority of cholesterol back into the liver to be converted into bile acids and bile salts. In the end most of the cholesterol will be excreted through faeces / stool. Cholesterol from the body to get additional income sources that come from animal foods such as organ meats, animal fat, chicken skin, egg yolk, brains, meat, seafood, milk, dairy products, and so forth.
Any amount of fat and carbohydrates that are not
immediately used is stored in tissues outside the liver such as blood vessels, muscles, and fat tissue under the skin role in the form of triglycerides. So
triglycerides are the main fat in the body that is closely associated with cholesterol, which both have a relationship that can not be separated in the process of metabolism. Triglycerides are formed by the body in the heart of glycerol and fat derived from food or from eating excess calories due to the surplus.
Increased triglyceride levels induced by consumption of food containing carbohydrates and high in saturated fats such as meat, butter, palm oil, coconut oil, cheese, milk, alcohol, and so on are exaggerated.
Excess triglycerides will be stockpiled in the tissue
under the skin as an energy reserve. The process of digestion of fat from foods other than produce also produces triglycerides and cholesterol- free fat. All compounds of this fat will be absorbed by the body through the intestines into the blood. The presence of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood is greatly needed by the body. If the consumption of foods containing saturated fats then lead to excessive levels of cholesterol and triglycerides are also exaggerated. This would pose a serious threat and problem, particularly in vascular disease called atherosclerosis. This disease can lead to coronary heart disease and stroke, in which the type of vascular disease is the number one cause of death in the world.
Cholesterol that sticks to the inner surface of blood
vessel walls to harden the longer it will form a plaque that will eventually clog the arteries of the heart so that effect coronary heart disease. If a blockage occurs in the blood vessels in the brain and lead to rupture of blood vessels, it can result in stroke.
There are two types of cholesterol that should be
known that LDL (Low-density lipoprotein) and HDL
(High-density lipoprotein). LDL is called bad cholesterol because she is easily attached to the walls of blood vessels and cause a buildup of fat that triggers atherosclerosis (hardening and blockage of blood vessels). HDL is called good cholesterol because it has antiaterogenik properties (preventing atherosclerosis) which transports cholesterol from the blood vessels or other tissues to the liver to be removed as bile acids.
When this balance is interrupted, and LDL levels tend to increase HDL levels tend to be lower so that atherosclerosis is more apt to occur. Said to be of high blood cholesterol high levels.
when total cholesterol levels> 240 mg / dl. High blood triglyceride levels when> 200 mg / dl. High LDL cholesterol levels when> 160 mg / dl. HDL cholesterol levels low when <40 mg / dl.
High levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the
blood could not be separated from the modern
lifestyle with the wrong diet and nutrition is not
balanced. For the arrangement of food consumption should be considered properly.
Tips to prevent high cholesterol and triglycerides
- Regulate a healthy and balanced diet, for example, with consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits that contain lots of fiber, soy beans and
their processed products (tempeh), cereals as a
source of fiber, limiting the consumption of sugary
foods and beverages, limit consumption of high
cholesterol foods such as fried -fried food,processed food products, and others.
- Consumption of foods that contain lots of vitamins, especially vitamin C, E, and beta-
- Control and maintain weight loss should not be
exaggerated because people with excess weight
have a high risk of heart disease and tend to raise
cholesterol levels. Generally, people with more
body weight have a high blood triglyceride levels
because triglycerides are stored in the lot behind
the skin folds.
- Do exercise regularly and measured according to
the condition of the body.
- Stop smoking, coffee consumption, and beverages that contain alcohol.
- Avoid stress.
- And others.
For people with high cholesterol should avoid the
following foods: foods high in fat, organ meats, beef brain, beef, egg yolks, chicken liver, beef liver, shrimp, squid / cuttlefish, crab, chocolate, butter, margarine, cheese, coconut oil , palm oil, and others. While the recommended foods consumed are: broccoli, carrots, squash, sweet star fruit, starfruit, apple, grapes, papaya, bananas, oranges, pineapple, tomatoes, dried white fungus, black mushroom, hioko mushrooms, seaweed, oil fish, fresh fish, tempeh, tofu, bean curd, and others.
Natural recipes that can be used to treat high cholesterol and triglyceride levels, namely:
- 7-10 fresh leaves boiled with 400 cc of water to
the remaining 200 cc, filtered water, drunk warm.
- Leaves 30 grams + 30 grams of fresh ceremai guava leaf / fresh guava braised with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, filtered water,drunk warm.
- 60 grams of fresh ground peanut shells boiled with 400 cc of water to the remaining 200 cc,filtered water, drunk warm. 30 grams of fresh meeting buffoonery + 25 + 25 grams of fresh turmeric god grams of fresh leaves boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, filtered water, drunk warm.
- 1-2 of noni / pace mature juiced + honey to taste,
- 60 + grams of pineapple starfruit juiced to taste sweet, drunk.
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